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Admin's Featured Poem Pick of the Week for February 24, 2003

" Sappho The Weight of Silk"

The weight of silk

With stone-filled pockets
Virginia drowned her demons.
You mocked yours for eighty years
with smoke and tar: weaned them on men
who sucked your brains, sucked your soul.

You, a child-Mother,
seeking lost youth,
while I, your bastard daughter,
became Cassandra,
seeking roots.

Now, here we are —
holding tight to our congestive failures;
a tide filling your lungs
holding tight to this familial web,
this thread that death will stretch
but cannot snap —

while our demons dance,

…free from this silken trap.

© 2003 Janis ( Carole MacRury)

* This Week's Honorable Mentions:

* Honorable Mentions are in no particular order.

Archive of Past Winners